
4 Ways To Make Your Direct Mailer Stand Out From the Competition

Direct marketing continues to be just as effective – if not more so – than its digital counterpart. Many consumers find brochures, postcards, and catalogs easier to read and comprehend than emails. Others relish the simple joy of discovering new mail in their mailboxes.

Utilize these four tips to craft a unique, effective direct mailer for your business.

  1. Customize Your Material

The envelope is the first thing potential customers will see when they receive your mailer; thus, it is your best chance to make a good first impression. Collaborate with a print shop to create a quality, custom envelope used exclusively by your business.

Don’t stop at the envelope. When possible, use custom letterheads, business cards, and return envelopes to continue your brand story throughout all your marketing materials.

  1. Personalize Your Mailers

People are not likely to open mail addressed to the “current resident” of their house. Studies show that when a recipient’s name is included in a black-and-white mailer, the response rate increases by 44%. However, when a full-color mailer adds the recipient’s name, the response rate increases by 135%.

  1. Avoid Gimmicks

Do not try to tempt your customers into opening your mailer with promises of free gifts or discounts that require a spending threshold in the fine print. Instead, focus on the facts. What do you offer that your competitors cannot provide? If you have the lowest prices on the market, tell your customer. If you use only the finest materials in your products, say that.

  1. Don’t Crowd the Page

Conciseness is key. Use a readable font in your mailer. Only bold and italicize words when necessary, and keep your message simple. Direct mail is an initial point-of-contact with a customer; intrigue them with just enough information to draw them to your website or brick-and-mortar location.

Direct marketing can help your business maintain its customer base and recruit new clientele. If you invest time, effort, and a little bit of money into making your direct mailing campaign the best it can be, you are sure to reap the rewards.

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