
Tips for Selecting a Stirring Hotplate

Supposing you want to acquire a stirring hotplate and you are head spinning trying to wonder which product available in the market will best suit your needs. It is important to note that you can select an effective stirrer product using the following variables to get the best match for your application.

Stability and Accuracy

Basic analogue stirring and heating units typically do not have exact control over stirring speed and temperature as they are reliable, economical, and easy to use. If you are looking for a critical unit with temperature and stirring speed control, check an advanced model with program heat ramp settings to minimize overshoot and undershoot temperatures and accurately monitor the top plate. This type of unit will offer you great control of stability and accuracy.


Stirring hotplates are available in different configurations and sizes, from small single-vessel units to large-capacity units. You will find units that are designed for heating multiple vessels and for synchronous stirring. They are available with individual controls for up to nine vessels.


When it comes to the magnetic coupling strength of a stirring application, all the stirrers are not created equal. The ability of a stir-bar combination and a drive-magnet to successfully stir a given solution is a role of several variables, such as stir-bar shape and size, the distance between the stir bar and drive magnet, magnet shape and size, desired stir speed, vessel shape and size, and your given solutions viscosity.

Usually, on a normal condition, most stirrers will perform their role adequately when stirring seeds between 100 RPM and 1000 RPM. Therefore, choose a stirrer with a giant drive magnet and enough capacity to accommodate longer stir bars and a heavy-duty motor.

Hazardous Environment

Chemical mixtures and organic solvents mixtures usually pose a hazard in the lab area because stirring equipment and standard heating can ignite fumes at medium to high temperatures. Therefore, use only explosion-proof equipment to reduce the risk of damage, increased liability, and injury.

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