

Carrot is a root vegetable that can be grown anywhere, however, using a nursery planter adds tremendous benefit to the whole planting process. From not having to worry about the nature of the ground whether it is rocky, weedy, or the soil is not fertile to be able to monitor and control the growth of the root vegetable – carrot. It can also provide a means for the whole family to take part in the planting process, creating more family bonding avenues. Luckily, carrots can be grown in any type of container shape provided the nursery planter can accommodate its root. Carrot roots are lengthy as it ranges between 2 inches to a foot and requires more soil based on the carrot type.

It is advisable to first choose a desirable location where you want your container to be before filling it with organically rich soil and water as the nursery planter becomes heavy and unable to move around. A location that allows for appropriate sunlight should be considered. Here are some consistent practices that one must inculcate to ensure a bumper harvest when the seeds start germinating in the carrot planter:

  1. Watering – Potted carrots require regular watering, not just at the leaf level but make sure the soil is moist and never allow it to totally get dried before watering. Containers tend to dry faster than ground soil so it is important to check regularly and ensure that the soil in the nursery planter is moist as the vegetable matures.
  2. Fertilizing – This should be done appropriately with the use of liquid organic vegetable fertilizer to promote stunted growth.           
  3. Thinning – You want to be careful and not disturb the surrounding plant as you do this. Ideally, you can maintain a space of 3 – 4 inches between plants as you trim away the weaker plants with a pair of scissors or gently pull them by their roots.

One amazing thing about deciding to grow your carrot in a nursery planter is you don’t have to deal with wild critter issues, you can pay close attention to your plant and enjoy the bountiful harvest afterward. Here’s an additional takeaway from this article – the yellow tapered carrots which are known as the heirloom variety mature within 65 to 80 days while the orange variety which is also known as Amsterdam matures in about 55 days. 

Carrots are ripe for harvest when you can see them at the top of the soil. Generally, carrots are ready for harvest within two to three months after seeding. However, you can pull a root and see how big it is and then decide if it’s ready for harvest or not.

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